Curriculum Vitae


PhD - Politics & International Affairs | University of South Florida | 2023
Specializations: Politics of Development / International Security
Dissertation: “Violence, Rents, and Elites: Institutional Determinants of Political Order in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and South Sudan”
Committee: Steven C. Roach (major advisor); Jongseok Woo; Earl Conteh-Morgan; John Ishiyama

MA - Diplomacy & International Commerce | Norwich University | 2019

BA - Political Science, International Politics | Washington University in St. Louis | 2013

Honors and Awards



Roach, S., Hudson, D., and Demerew, K. (eds.) Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)

Violence, Elites, and Institutions: State-building and Political Development in Africa. (under contract with SUNY Press)

Journal Papers (Peer Reviewed)

2024. “Can Institutions Explain Mass Violence? Amhara 'Settler' Discourse and Ethiopia’s Ethnic Federalism. Nations and Nationalism 30(3), 493-509. DOI: 10.1111/nana.13004.

2024. “Contractualism in Post-Colonial State-Building: A Liberal Approach to Sovereignty and Governmentality.” Review of Austrian Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s11138-024-00640-8.

2024. “Institutional Logic of Fragile States: Afghanistan and South Sudan in Comparative Perspective.” Journal of the Middle East and Africa 15(4). DOI: 10.1080/21520844.2024.2415182. (with A. Murid Partaw)

2023. College Diversity Politics and American Higher Education: An Institutional Analysis.Society, 60, 983-993. DOI: 10.1007/s12115-023-00911-3.

2022. “Realist Perspectives on Nile Politics: Conflict and Cooperation Between Ethiopia and Egypt.” African Security 15(3), 213-236. DOI: 10.1080/19392206.2022.2081763.

2022. “Elites, Rents, and Transitions: A New Institutionalist View of Ethiopia’s Political Development.Africa Today 68(3), 65-86. DOI: 10.2979/africatoday.68.3.04

2021. “From Red Sea to the Nile: Water, Power, and Politics in Northeast Africa.” Third World Quarterly 42(12), 2883-2901. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1977622

Book Chapters

Demerew, K. “Blockchain Contractualism as Modus Vivendi: A Praxis for Reconfiguring Post-Colonial State-building.” In Dragos, P. and Murtazashvili, J. Governing Differences: Social Diversity, Polycentric Political Economy and Modus Vivendi. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)

Demerew, K. “State-building on the Nile: Domestic Politics and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.” In Roach, S., Hudson, D., and Demerew, K. Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)

Demerew, K., and Hudson, D. “Beyond the Big Three: the National and Regional Politics of the other Riparian Countries. In Roach, S., Hudson, D., and Demerew, K. Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)

Book Reviews

2024. Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia by Nigusie Kassaye W. Michael. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2023. Africa Today 70(4), 109-111. DOI: 10.2979/at.0018.

Working Papers

Demerew, K., Faboye, S., and Edodi, S. “Toward Polycentric Federalism: Assessing Federal Institutional Design in Multiethnic African States.Under Review.

Works In Progress

Contracting the State: Economic Freedom and Self-Governance in Africa. (Proposal stage)

Teaching Experience

West Texas A&M University
Assistant Professor (2023 - Present)

University of South Florida
Instructor (2021 - 2023)

Teaching Assistant (2019 - 2021)

Concordia University Texas
Adjunct Faculty (2019 - 2022)

Research Experience

University of South Florida School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies

Research Assistant, Steven C. Roach, Ph.D., June-Aug. 2020; Jan-Mar. 2022

Washington University, Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, & Public Policy

Research Assistant, Hong Min Park, Ph.D., May to Sept. 2013


Service to Profession

Media Engagement

Professional Affiliations